Parenting by Paul David Tripp Book Summary by Holy Reads
Parenting by Paul David Tripp Book Summary by Holy Reads Parenting by Paul David Tripp is not typical parenting advice with tips and techniques. Rather, it’s about our role as parents as a tool for God, who has blessed us with children who need to…
Bringing Up Boys by James Dobson Book Summary by Holy Reads
Bringing Up Boys by James Dobson shares how parents can raise caring and responsible men in the modern world. Practical advice and statistics show parents what their sons need most in a society that works against them in almost every way. Raising a godly man…
Strong Mothers, Strong Sons by Meg Meeker Book Summary by Holy Reads
Strong Mothers, Strong Sons by Meg Meeker teaches mothers how to guide sons to be healthy men. A strong mother has to guide but also let go to allow her sons to blossom. As a mother, your impact on your son is deeper and more…
Shepherding a Child’s Heart by Tedd Tripp Book Summary by Holy Reads
Shepherding a Child’s Heart by Tedd Tripp takes a hard turn away from the modern approach to childrearing and urges the reader to take seriously what the Bible has to say. The key, according to the author, is to turn the child’s heart toward God…
Age of Opportunity by Paul David Tripp Book Summary by Holy Reads
Age of Opportunity by Paul David connects parents with teenagers. The teen years should not be ignored but taken as an opportunity. Parenting teens requires us to listen to our teens and to teach them God’s wisdom and grace as we also learn from God….
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