Love & Respect by Emerson Eggerichs Book Summary by Holy Reads
Love & Respect by Emerson Eggerichs is about building a marriage on what the other person most desires. Unconditional love and respect are necessary for a long-lasting marriage. Marriage can leave us stuck in a frustrating cycle of miscommunication, but by understanding your partner’s needs,…
The Love Dare by Alex Kendrick and Stephen Kendrick Book Summary by Holy Reads
The Love Dare by Alex Kendrick and Stephen Kendrick poses a 40-day challenge for couples to watch God move mightily in their marriage. It is a guide filled with practical steps to love your spouse in more fulfilling ways. Love is only as vibrant, strong,…
Sacred Marriage by Gary Thomas Book Summary by Holy Reads
Sacred Marriage by Gary Thomas liberates us from having to depend on our feelings to dictate the aim of our marriage. It offers us a more everlasting purpose in helping us become more like Christ. The union that God invented accomplishes something much more significant…
The Meaning of Marriage by Timothy and Kathy Keller Book Summary by Holy Reads
The Meaning of Marriage by Timothy and Kathy Keller provides a biblical look at the purpose of marriage. Marriage shows us elements of our faith and directly impacts our relationship with God. The biblical view of marriage runs counter to today’s culture, but it also…
The 5 Love Languages by Gary Chapman Book Summary by Holy Reads
The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman outlines the five main ways that we show love and receive love. The practical implications for marriage relationships are spelled out with examples. If you want to communicate love for your spouse, you need to understand how they…
Can Christians Marry Non-Christians?
In the modern West, we don’t often approach dating with marriage in mind. Christians and non-Christians alike often date purely because of a mutually felt chemistry or physical attraction. Christians might meet non-Christians who are sweet, kind, and hard-working. They might even live morally good…
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