Do Muslims Believe in the Same God as Christianity?
Islam and Christianity are both monotheistic religions, which means that they both believe in one God. The name of the god of Islam is Allah, and the God of Christianity has revealed Himself as “I AM.” Christianity believes that I AM is the unique, all-powerful,…
Do Christians Believe in Evolution?
Francis Bacon once wisely said, “God has, in fact, written two books, not just one. Of course, we are all familiar with the first book he wrote, namely Scripture. But He has written a second book called creation.” The Christian community is divided on the…
Does Christianity Teach Reincarnation?
We often find ourselves curious about death. We know that everyone who has gone before us has faced death, and we know that one day we, too, will face death. But it seems that the only ones who could answer the looming question of “What…
Are Christians Allowed to Smoke?
According to an article called “Smoking” by Hannah Ritchie and Max Roser that was updated in 2022 by Our World In Data from the University of Oxford, nearly a quarter of the world’s population smokes tobacco. This is a significant number of smokers. But while…
What Does Christianity Teach About Environmentalism?
Christians have varying interpretations of biblical passages that address the relationship between people and the environment. But there are several points that Christians as a whole agree on, and there are some general biblical themes that should guide Christians in their actions and attitudes regarding…
What Is Christian Nationalism?
Christian nationalism is an ideology in the political sphere that binds together Christianity with American identity. But Christian nationalism means different things for different people. In general, there are two broad points of view for defining Christian nationalism: 1. The responsibility of every…
Why Do Christians Worship on Sunday?
In the Old Testament, the people of God recognized Saturday as the holy day of rest. From sundown on Friday to sundown on Saturday, God’s followers refrained from working. Their express intent was to follow the example of God Himself, who created for six days…
Can Christians Drink Alcohol?
The topic of alcohol consumption is widely debated among Christians today. Generally speaking, Christians take three different stances on the matter. The first group believes that drinking alcohol is perfectly fine and even encouraged in Scripture so long as it is in moderation. The second…
Top 10 Christian Movies (Plus a Few Honorable Mentions)
1. The Passion of the Christ (2004): This film portrays Jesus’ (Jim Caviezel) last 12 hours of life. Beginning with the agony Jesus faced in the Garden of Gethsemane and continuing through His last breath on the cross, this film shows the extreme suffering Jesus…
How to Share the Gospel with Family Members Who Don’t Believe
Our culture has an unwritten rule for family gatherings: Don’t talk about religion or politics. But we as Christians know that staying silent about the gospel is the most unloving thing we could possibly do. The question becomes, then, how do we go about sharing…
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