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12 Feb 2025

Tag: Gospel


Who Wrote the Bible?

The Bible was written over a span of more than 1,500 years on three continents by more than 40 authors who were directed by God to record His Word. Thus, the Bible has both human and divine authorship. Second Peter 1:20-21 makes it clear “that…


Is Heaven a Real Place?

The word “heaven” appears almost 500 times in the English Standard Version of the Bible (492 times to be exact). Sometimes, it is used as a synonym for sky. Sometimes, it is used to describe the place where God resides. And sometimes, it is used…


Can You Be Gay and Christian?

God designed sex and marriage to communicate His gospel. The man leaves and cleaves. Likewise, Jesus left heaven. One man marries one woman. And Jesus is the Husband of the church. Husband and wife remain faithful to each other. In like manner, Jesus remains faithful…


Can Christians Marry Non-Christians?

In the modern West, we don’t often approach dating with marriage in mind. Christians and non-Christians alike often date purely because of a mutually felt chemistry or physical attraction. Christians might meet non-Christians who are sweet, kind, and hard-working. They might even live morally good…


How to Share the Gospel with Co-Workers

Sometimes, work can be a lonely place, especially for Christians. We may be the only source of Light that our co-workers ever see, and we desire for them all to come to Jesus for salvation. But we struggle to know how to bring up spiritual…